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Popularity of Yoga in the United States


I was at a networking event the other day, and found myself having a conversation with one man from Manhattan who is a tech recruiter and yoga teacher at the same time. We were discussing the popularity of yoga in different regions and where it is the most demanded. The conversation made me think about this topic a bit more than what a mere small talk requires, and I decided to look some information up, thinking it might as well be useful for some other people. 

When I was preparing to write this post and get into the research, I was expecting big cultural centres like New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco to be the places with the most of yoga fans. The reality appeared to be quite the opposite.

I found statistics prepared by POPSUGAR where they analysed where the traffic for their yoga articles comes from. The following screens and data are stolen from their article, the link for which you can find below. 

According to the website, people are the most interested in yoga articles in Western cities. For example, Denver, Portland and Salt Lake City are the first in the list by popularity of the Indian practices. On the other hand, in cultural centres like Los Angeles, New York and other cities on the East coast, yoga does not seem to be very popular. As POPSUGAR claimed, their readers are likely to read articles on other topics in those cities. From here, the website comes to an assumption that if people do not read about something, they are not interested in it. And there might be some truth in it. 

On the other hand, such data can be also misleading as yoga has been present in bigger American cities for more than 30 years, and people might be not reading the articles simply because they have a high expertise on the topic. A funny fact might be an argument towards it: San Francisco is the number one city where yoga pants are worn. It might be a cultural or fashion aspect, but it’s likely to be popular because yoga is deeply integrated in the culture. 

Whether you are a marketer writing yoga articles, or a teacher willing to teach the art, I hope this post appeared at least somehow useful for you. I would suggest you to practice yoga, but think it would be quite hypocritical of me, as I have never done it myself. 

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