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Mick Jagger Spots Boston's Keytar Bear

Mick Jagger spoted and twited a video of our Keytar Bear performing on the sreets on New York.

Keytar Bear first appeared in 2011, and has appeared frequently in Boston and other cities since.
You will be surprised to learn that he is not actually a bear; Keytar Bear is actually a man in a bear costume who resembles the title character from the film Ted. He plays a keytar during performances, usually at subway stops.
Little is known about Keytar Bear; he is a busker, an actor in a suit, who prefers to remain anonymous. Nothing is known about his real name, which is not used in any context, and little is known about his identity. We know he was a music and breakdance teacher, but not an active member of any professional band.
The man wearing the Keytar Bear mask is known for being Boston's favorite keytar busker. Apart from special events in Boston, he performs in New York City, New Jersey and other parts of the United States. Although he is not originally from the Boston area, Keytar Bear is a popular local street artist who has performed in bear costumes and played funky keyboards in many locations  in Boston.
The release was originally scheduled to coincide with a performance by Keytar Bear in the Trillium beer garden, but he was injured in a motorcycle accident and the brewery had to bring forward its brewing schedule to help the injured performer. According to a tweet from Universal Hub, a crowd of drunken men gathered outside the venue for the gig he was performing in and attacked him, taking away all the money he made from the gig. The proceeds from the beer were donated by Trilium to her recovery efforts. During the summer, he performed at several other events in Boston, including the Boston Beer Festival and the Boston Music Festival.
Universal Hub tracked down the woman who took the photo, Jessica Baldwin, who was visiting from Nashville with her husband and two children at the time.
There was a dwarf man in a battered bear costume hammering up-tempo '80s hit on one shoulder - on the keyboard, and there was Keytar Bear in his bear suit. One of the men in the photo hit him on the sidewalk on State Street, his mask was ripped off, he was hit, hit and a cord was pulled from his amplifier, "she said. Baldwin, who was on a business trip in Nashville, said: 'This is a grown man wearing a bear suit, so it seemed like an un-American, inhumane attack.
According to a report by the Knoxville News Sentinel, about 200 people packed the streets Saturday night to see the legend perform in his bear suit and bear mask.
Keytar Bear is an actor who has become a popular character in Boston since his rise to fame in 2014. It is often found on well-preserved benches and on street corners as crowds shuffle past. In recent years, Keytar Bears has evolved from an everyday sidewalk artist to a legend in the city.
For years, the man (or rather the bear) remained largely anonymous, with the exception of occasional appearances on the streets of Boston's South End and North End.
Interviews were a rarity, and when they did, Keytar Bear was described as an independent entity. In an article published on April 29, the anonymous man known as "Keytar Bear" told Boston Magazine that he had been attacked twice in the article, according to an interview with Boston Magazine.
The first time someone threw a Snapple bottle at his keyboard, damaged the instrument and then insulted him from a distance. The second alleged attack occurred after a bystander took a selfie with the actor, punched him in the face and broke his nose in the process, the article said. In this first incident, he was thrown onto the keyboard and left with a broken instrument.
A second incident followed, in which the suspect pretended to snap a photo of Bear, only to give him a hefty slap on the nose.
Last weekend, three New Hampshire teenagers were arrested for allegedly attacking Keytar Bear, a Boston street artist who touts keyboards and has a loyal following in the city. The teenagers allegedly racially abused him, hit him on the pavement, forcibly ripped off his head and ripped the strings from his keyboard. After snatching money from key tarpaulins and drinking glasses, police accused two of the people of robbing, beating and then repeatedly beating him.
However, it is not the first time Keytar Bear has been the victim of an attack; in 2014, the performer was the victim of three separate assaults. After a series of attacks in which he had a broken keyboard, he took time off and donations poured in to buy new devices. 

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