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What if Trump Faked it

Picture: Wikimedia Commons

We have been watching performances of Donald Trump for quite a while to state that this guy is an ignorant fool. He does not often know what the hell he is talking about, but tries to pretend to be knowledgeable to appeal to people who are not well-educated and cannot distinguish balderdash from a fair answer. This video by Young Turks explains one of such examples in more details.

However, what if Donald Trump is just pretending to be an idiot? This is an unpopular opinion, but what  if his behavior is just smoke and mirrors? In case you are one of the people who believe that humans do not change – watch this interview from 1980. That person is  absolutely different from today’s Donald Trump. I guess just somewhere deep inside I am hoping that he is the same, and the campaign was a pretentions trick to get more people in.

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